gender trouble again
and a nice occasion to revive my blog.
today i was checking out the shirts on sale at a men's department when some guy addressed me, telling me that my boyfriend was lucky. he said he hated shopping but had to do it himself since he had been divorced. i explained to him that i didn't have a boyfriend and that i was shopping for my own purposes. he looked at me from head to toe, letting his eyes rest on my shoes (classical wingtips) for a while. then he said "no, you're not my type." and left. lucky me.
today i was checking out the shirts on sale at a men's department when some guy addressed me, telling me that my boyfriend was lucky. he said he hated shopping but had to do it himself since he had been divorced. i explained to him that i didn't have a boyfriend and that i was shopping for my own purposes. he looked at me from head to toe, letting his eyes rest on my shoes (classical wingtips) for a while. then he said "no, you're not my type." and left. lucky me.
queerbeet - 2. Jul, 19:06